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Electrical insulation hazard warning solution

     In recent years, electrical fires have occurred frequently, and power transmission and transformation equipment operates with electricity all year round, which is a high-risk area for safety hazards. If effective protective measures are not taken for monitoring and prevention, it may cause serious power production accidents and have adverse social impacts. This plan uses active sampling and nanoparticle detection technology to conduct real-time online monitoring and early warning of thermal and insulation deterioration safety hazards that occur in equipment and the environment within the monitoring range. Safety hazards can be detected up to 3 months in advance, and the warning time can be significantly advanced to ensure the safety of electrical equipment and its operating environment.




l Main technical specifications

Advance warning time: ≤ 1-3 months

Particle count range: 1-3 million particles

Best protection area: 250m2

2 nanometers ≤ particle size range ≤ 20 microns

l Applicable scope

Suitable for safety monitoring of power grid systems, power generation systems, and other important safety protection areas, such as distribution station buildings, cable tunnels, cable interlayers, data rooms, battery rooms, production workshops, large warehouses, wind turbines, etc.


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Address:Weilai zhi guang Industry Park,No. 3 Guanggu Boulevard, East Lake High-tech Development Zone,Wuhan City, Hubei Province,China.

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Technical Support:Youhoo